Monday, May 2, 2011

California's Third District Presiding Justice Vance Raye's Law Day Speech-Honoring John Adams

I just returned to my office after listening to a speech by Justice Vance Raye who is the Presiding Justice of the California Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District. The speech was given for the Yolo County Bar Association Law Day Celebration and it was on the national law day topic, "Celebrating the Legacy of John Adams." The celebration was wonderful with awards ranging from a "John Adams look-alike contest" to the non-lawyer community member who has contributed the most to justice within the community. Another highlight was the knowledge that all proceeds from the celebration were going to the Yolo County Food Bank and Meals on Wheels.

But what impressed me the most was hearing Justice Raye talk about the often unsung heroes of our legal community who, like John Adams, represent folks who no one else will represent because their causes are unpopular. As president of California Appellate Defense Counsel, my colleagues and I are often discouraged by the lack of respect we perceive when we represent indigent persons who have been convicted of crimes or lost their children at the trial level. With Justice Raye's acknowledgment that his heroes included, among others, an attorney who represented unpopular causes involving defendants that no one else would represent, it validated the reason that so many of us went to law school--to help people less fortunate than ourselves achieve justice.

Thank you Justice Raye for highlighting once again that our legal system is first and foremost about justice for all of us, even those of us who do not have power or money. If the justice system does not serve the people who need it most, then it does not serve us all. Congratulations to the Yolo County Bar Association for  making this celebration possible.

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