Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rajmohan Gandhi

Notes from Rajmohan Gandhi's talk in Davis, CA: Building Bridges for Peace: Race, reconciliation, and responsibility. Peace circles. A fleeting thought of ill will is one thing, to nurse ill will is another. The only tyrant I am willing to bow down to is the small still voice.  It has always been a mystery to me that some men feel great due to the humiliation of others. It is more courageous to not be a bully.  A bully has often been bullied. US support is important to help peaceful demonstrations by oppressed citizens of other countries, such as the support given to Gandhi. Best question: What tools are there for the peaceful majority to fight the violent vocal minority. The answer, We need artists to find a creative solution, such as Gandhi's Salt March solution.

My conclusion: The many people throughout the world who are working for peaceful alternatives to violent behavior for solving differences and resolving disputes is inspiring. The growing mediation movement and the use of mediation in all aspects of our lives may be the solution we need. For more about Rajmohan Gandhi see,

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